There are no coincidences. Fashion Week shrank to invisible proportions as the horrific ongoings of September 11th reared their ugly heads smack dab in the middle of the spring 2002 collections. From the most sardonic vantage point, it may be time to take a closer look at an industry so heavily padded in non-reality and try to take it to some greater depths. One fashionable force rose to the occasion as the Fashion Stands Tall benefit show set out to do some good.

Remains from the Old World. Sean John's debut collection - coming atcha from the artist formerly known as Puff Daddy - rode in on the kind of hyped up horse that just ain't the one to bet on anymore.

Paving the way to fashion's new direction, Dolce and Gabbana (with others close behind), have been scooping up flowing medieval-like gowns from the seventies for inspiration. Faking your own version now will help you dress for the New World Order.

Nothing makes us madder than teenagers who won't eat. While a new Dutch mag supports the unhealthy yet fashionable junkie habit, Lori Gottlieb's Stick Figure will give you an inspirational push laced with humor to finish your plate.

Blow 600 bucks at Fiorucci for one or "do-it-yourself" free. How to turn those worn-in, frazzled jeans you already love into a slammin' skirt that you may love even more.

Hair Clinic 101: Save a buck and get some faux sunshine in your face. How to chunk dye your own hair.

Face the winter wonderland fearlessly and reclaim your rosy spring complexion. Put these winter skin-care tricks up your fleece lined sleeves in the Beauty Lounge.

Ask her anything. Site hostess Fashion Icon answers your fashion quandaries day and night.